Wow! Can you believe there are only 51 days and 14 hours (and a few minutes) until Christmas!!!
October flew by so fast! Heck the whole year flashed before my eyes! Now I really have to get on making Miss S's 3rd birthday party pack! I only have a month and a handful of days for that!
So we have decided to buy this little gadget for the girls for Christmas. I pick it up today. I think I am going to play around with it a little bit to decide if we are getting a second one for DD#1 or if we are going to get a Nintendo DSi or iPod Touch instead. I'm kind of leaning towards getting 2 of these so DDs don't fight but on the other hand they will eventually grow out of them. I like the learning aspect to this system. Do any of my readers have one of these at home??? Suggestions? Suggestions for games for girls??
We already put the word out that we don't want a lot of toys for Christmas and that we were getting one of these so people could get games for it instead. Our girls have so many toys that they never play with... I think the local New-to-You shop will be receiving a bag of plushies before Christmas hits!
I've also been busy whipping up a few hats before Christmas. One very special little girl who was diagnosed with a rare leukemia got this (see below) super cute blue, pink and purple hat yesterday from a thoughtful relative. Hope it brightens her spirits. My daughter Miss S (seen below) sure loved it!
I also sold this little purple hat to another little cutie in town. So cute to see other people's wee ones walking around with something you made with your own hands.
I have a couple of cute little earflap hats waiting to find some good homes and cute little girls to enjoy...
I'm not filling an order for a little man and his big sis... it's a fun order for me because it is for a
MONSTER HAT and a flower beanie. I don't have little boys so this monster hat is fun for me... DD1 or 2 might have to get a new pink version this Christmas. I'll post some photos when I get them finished!
Anyways, don't forget to get a jumpstart on your holiday greeting orders! Here's a few little gems you might like!